$300 billion tariff action added to 301 investigation on China

Globe of China

The announcement from the US Trade Representative provides instructions for public comment and hearing attendance request.  It doesn’t appear that regulations.gov is currently updated in order to submit comments or request attendance at the hearing, though we will send a message out as soon as it is.  You can check at https://www.regulations.gov/ and enter docket: USTR-2019-0004.

The proposed modification is to take further action in the form of an additional ad valorem duty of up to 25 percent on products of China with an annual trade value of approximately $300 billion.
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is seeking public comment and will hold a public hearing regarding this proposed modification.
To be assured of consideration, you must submit comments and responses in accordance with the following schedule:
June 10, 2019: Due date for filing requests to appear and a summary of expected testimony at the public hearing.
June 17, 2019: Due date for submission of written comments.
June 17, 2019: The Section 301 Committee will convene a public hearing in the main hearing room of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW Washington DC 20436 that begins at 9:30 a.m.
Seven days after the last day of the public hearing: Due date for submission of post-hearing rebuttal comments.
Further Contact Information 
For questions about this proposed action, contact Assistant General Counsels Arthur Tsao or Megan Grimball, or Director of Industrial Goods Justin Hoffmann at (202) 395–5725. For questions on customs classification, contact traderemedy@cbp.dhs.gov.

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